Blog Archive

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Putting on the Brakes

"Speed counts. If everything’s under control, you’re going too slow."
Mario Andretti

Putting on the Brakes

Even Andretti pulled into the pit once in a while, for the maintenance he needed before again reaching optimum speed.

The time comes when a person just needs to slow down. Every few months I wind up taking a couple of days off to do just that.

But like Andretti, I never slow down for very long. See you soon!
~ Anne

And [Jesus] said to [His apostles], "Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while." For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.
~ Mark 6:31 (NKJV)


  1. Be blessed sis, praying for you. I love you.

  2. I'm listening. ;)
    You can be praying for me while we go rest in Florida. It is a 23 hour drive to get we (Steve, me and a car full of little girls) will need lots of prayer. I plan to pleasure read on the trip. You'd be proud of me, I haven't touched my MS. I couldn't help it that an idea for #4 came at me full force, but I only took notes...didn't start it.

    Wisdom HERE, Anne. Thanks for it.
    ~ Wendy

  3. Dear Anne, You deserve a good rest and may you come back refreshed for His glory!

  4. I worry that you don't do this often enough. So glad you are taking a break today!

  5. I'm grateful to each one of you. Your presence keeps me coming back. And to my little sister Mary, you're not allowed to worry! Go ahead, give me an excuse to come to Denver and un-worry you in person! :P


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