This picture is being moved here from the foot of my blog. It's been parked there for about the last seven months, since our church’s Christmas program when the picture was snapped. It was my first (and, so far, last) opportunity to take part in the worship dance I’ve longed to do for the last twenty years.
And behold, a man of Ethiopia ... had come to Jerusalem to worship, was returning... So Philip ran to him, and heard him reading the prophet Isaiah, and said, "Do you understand what you are reading?" And he said, "How can I, unless someone guides me?" And he asked Philip to come up and sit with him.
~ Acts 8:27-31 (NKJV)
Sunday night my church presented a report on a recent trip to Russia by our pastor and one of our elders. They'd provided critically needed training to a team of Russian pastors, who live with great needs. Unemployment is at 80%, and they work however they might to survive so that they can serve their churches on weekends. In one community of 70,000, only 200 are Christians. Their beautiful woodland areas are devoid of the wildlife which has been hunted by residents for subsistence.
Their greatest need is materials and teachers to gain understanding of the Bible.
Distress of economy did not hinder Russian hospitality. Our visiting duo was treated with the best to be offered, such as liver gravy over rice and fish hash. Their “riches” were traded for the riches of knowledge being transported across the Atlantic.
In America we take for granted our access to abundance of food and knowledge. The Russians take nothing for granted, Before our pastor left, he was cornered with a plea: "Can your wife come next time? Can she teach our women? Please?"
I restrained tears at such words, my heart mourning in the same room where I once danced.
And a vision appeared to Paul in the night. A man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, "Come over to Macedonia and help us."
~ Acts 16:9 (NKJV)
I publish this blog to share what I’ve learned through intensive study of the Bible. I ask the Lord to send people here as pleases Him, assuring myself that it doesn’t matter how many or how few visitors He sends. His Word shall not return void.
But now, I long to reach just a few more people—some of my Russian family. Might they find access to Bible truths and Q&A for which they are famished in this place? Perhaps? (Is there any chance, Lord?)
I don’t yet know that answer. In the meantime I’ve streamlined, removing some photos and features so this page loads more quickly on a dial-up connection. I’ve installed a translator so posts can be read in Russian, or a host of other languages. I’m putting a couple of my “back 40 posts” (as my friend Bud calls them) in storage, because they might be confusing.
"And indeed God has granted you all those who sail with you."
~ Acts 27:24 (NKJV)
I will plow now and pray for rain.
My Father, I'm grateful for all You've granted me to learn about You and the Bible. You know where famine exists for understanding Your Word. Please show favor to Your hungry people and send them Bread from Heaven. And if it might please You, please use me. Here am I, Lord.
Your feedback is appreciated. Post to BuildingHisBody.com Comments or e-mail to BuildingHisBody@gmail.com. Copyright 2010, Anne Lang Bundy, all rights reserved.
I pray that your posts reach Russia! There is a huge russian population in the US (here in Denver alone 40,000!). So possibly, they will even return back here.
ReplyDeleteWhat I love about this post and your photo is that you integrate the divining of the word of God with the exuberance of the spirit...something not many people do.
I remember when I first read of you dancing for Jesus.
ReplyDeleteAnd to see this picture? MARVELOUS! Your passion RADIATES, and IT crosses all language barriers, my friend.
A wonderful and moving post. May the Lord meet all the needs of these beautiful people. I pray that our Lord (who makes all things possible), would allow you to reach these people no matter how impossible it might seem.
ReplyDeleteVery touching post! I speak a slavic language fluently and the Russian people are always on my heart. I'll pray for these very special people.
ReplyDeleteAmen dear sis. This was such a touching post. I love your heart for others. I will plow, and pray with you.
ReplyDeleteMay the Lord use your work and service to further His kingdom and give understanding to those in need.
ReplyDeletethat picture of you... wow.
ReplyDeletethank you for your comment at my blog yesterday. sometimes, the depth of His words is so comforting. He knows. It never returns empty.
Anne, I love how you felt the need and your passion led you to action. We need more of this in the Church today (or Western Church I could say). I read a statement once that hasn't left me since, that we in the U.S. church are 'educated beyond our obedience.' It's a sad state, but He is the God who restores and renews. He is able to bring revival to hearts and minds. I pray it for you, for me, and all those blessed to read your words. Thanks Anne.
ReplyDeleteDavid ~ I'm very grateful for prayers. And I do give myself with hope of being one who worships in Spirit and in truth—a worshipper such as the Father seeks.
ReplyDeleteJennifer ~ Thank you. I've loved seeing the photo at the bottom of my blog. I'm holding onto the photos of all my precious followers. I love all of you too much to delete those.
Mary ~ Thank you for prayers. Thank you for the encouragement. So much does seem impossible. I ask the Lord to give me a heart for what He wants to make possible.
T ~ How COOL! I love it! Your prayers are precious. Thank you.
Denise ~ Whether plowing, praying or dancing, I'm content to have you at my side.
Patty ~ I really do want to be used. I'd like to be published someday, but can't imagine it would be as satisfying as reaching people hungry for truth.
Kelly ~ Thank you. And you're welcome, kindred spirit.
Jason ~ Educated beyond our obedience. Piercingly painful because of its truth. Thank you for praying. Thank you for encouraging.
Deeply touching post with action to accompany your heart.
ReplyDeleteThe compassion you showed is touching! May God raise up more people like you!
ReplyDeleteSusan ~ Your presence touches me. Thanks for being here.
ReplyDeleteBible Lover ~ Amen. May we all be sensitive to our brothers and sisters in Christ, everywhere we encounter them.