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Tuesday, September 28, 2010


"Jesus is my Lord, God and King.
It matters less what people think of me
than what they think of Jesus Christ because of me."
~ @anne4JC Twitter bio


"... the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death."
~ Revelation 12:10-11 (NKJV)

But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying
and singing hymns to God,
and the prisoners were listening to them.
~ Acts 16:25 (NKJV)

The Revelation saints who overcome do so not only by the blood of God's Lamb, but also by the word of their testimony.

Paul and Silas had been slandered, unjustly beaten bloody, and imprisoned in stocks. Yet rather than rant or whine as most of us would, at an hour when sleep might have relieved their misery, the two prayed and sang hymns—and the prisoners were listening to them.

Hebrews 12:1 says we are all surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. Even in the hours when we are without human witness, we are on display before heavenly witnesses. Our words and actions (as well as the thoughts and feelings revealed by words and actions) give a testimony to God which carries great weight as we come under spiritual attack.

We may think our words insignificant. Those of us who are writers may think a small audience makes us insignificant. Scripture reminds us that we have a large audience at all times, who sees our lives in entirety—and that the purpose of our testimony is to magnify the Lamb and His blood rather than ourselves.

Lord Jesus Christ, we are not worthy to bear Your name. Please keep us mindful that long after we are forgotten by the world, You will be remembered by the way we have lived. Please empower us to live well, for the sake of Your name.

: : :

My plans for Saturday are to offer a glimpse of how living out that quote at the top of today's post has changed my life.

I appreciate hearing from you. Questions are welcome. Reply to
comments or e-mail me—my address is
buildingHisbody [plus]
Copyright 2010, Anne Lang Bundy, all rights reserved.
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  1. We are the only glimpse of Jesus some may ever see.

  2. That quote is such a wonderful quote. When people look at me, I want them to see Jesus, not me. Blessings.

  3. Excellent reminder, Anne. Small earthly audience doesn't mean all of eternity isn't listening in with that great cloud of witnesses. Wonderful.

  4. I have always admired the clarity and conviction of your testimony. You've also been an encouragement in my own efforts to share my faith. Rest assured that you reach and touch a lot of people who may never say anything on your blog. Our responsibility is to give faithful expression of what the Scripture teaches. God is the one who has promised to use His Word. Keep up your good work! donkimrey

  5. I love how we're reality TV for the Angels! Lucky them? I don't know. ;)

    I always marveled at the words the Lord has chosen for every tongue to confess that in Him alone are righteousness and strength. It exemplifies our weakness and our every need for him.

  6. Denise ~

    And you are a bright ray of Sonshine!

  7. Patty ~

    I want the same. I'm learning how just a little more how to show more of Him and less of me every day.

  8. Jason ~

    How differently would we live if, like Elisha's servant (2K 6:17), we could see our heavenly audience?

  9. Don ~

    You are a reliable source of encouragement. Thank you for your kind and edifying words. May God bless every one of them.

  10. T ~

    Oh just leave it to you to call us Angel Reality TV!

    Righteousness and His strength ... He clothes us in the garments He finds most attractive ...

    And that need for Him. *sigh* Waiting ...

  11. I've been posting every day since I moved my blog. Someone suggested I slow down, and maybe I need to at some point. But for now, thank you for this reminder that my small words may touch someone in a big way--and I might not even know it.


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