"In Christ the best is always yet to come.
Always. No exceptions. Forever."
~ John Piper
Always. No exceptions. Forever."
~ John Piper
Heaven on Earth
Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, [Jesus] answered them and said, "The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you."
~ Luke 17:20-21 (NKJV)
But as it is written: "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him." But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit.
~ 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 (NKJV)
This is a follow-up to yesterday's post, which asked readers to consider what they would do if given the chance to do absolutely anything humanly possible.
The idea was to evoke thoughts of what Heaven on Earth might be for each of us. I intentionally stated the question without mention of Heaven so that we'd simply think in earthly realms.
So today I ask a follow-up question: How do you think we can presently experience part of Heaven on Earth? How do you experience Christ in a way that the kingdom is within you now?
Precious Abba, the life we have in Your Spirit is so rich and real and it restores us to You. How wonderful the day we stand in Your physical presence! Please open our eyes to see all the ways we live in Your kingdom now.
Contrasting points-of-view, questions and feedback are invited. Post to BuildingHisBody.com "Comments" or e-mail to BuildingHisBody@gmail.com. Copyright 2009, Anne Lang Bundy, all rights reserved.
I have to say that no matter what the circumstances may be (lately) I seem to hold the joy of Heaven. I can relax into the Holy Spirit and truly sense Heaven's peace and the bold joy that comes with it. I wish that everyone could know and feel this right here on Earth.
ReplyDeleteJust coming back to add, I absolutely LOVE John Piper. Did you know he dedicated one of his books to Loui Giglio? I love him too ;)
ReplyDeleteWith God in my heart, and His love throughtout my entire life, I am truly experiencing a bit of heaven on earth. Praise God.
ReplyDeleteMy idea of heaven on earth...kids, "intimacy" and fishing.
ReplyDeletejust being honest Anne!
Heaven is family and the wonders of God's creation. Hell is worrying about money -- Satan's most clever invention -- or indulging the low passions of jealousy or anger.
ReplyDeleteI missed yesterdays post but can get the jest of what you are asking. My piece of Heaven on earth is when I am able to see Christ in motion...the Spirit changing hearts. It is also harmony in my home and in the love of my children and some of the tender things my husband will say or do at unexpected times.
Thank you for asking this question...it is always good to reflect on the goodness of God.
Anne - Awesome picture, first of all. Now to answer your question: Experiencing part of heaven on earth doesn't mean something miraculous or supersized for me. I mean, that will happen sometimes, but I worry we get too wanting of super-spiritual/emotional experiences to keep us spiritually charged up, and the truth of heaven is to be found so much in the daily routines, the everyday moments we create that are blanketed with the grace and love of God. I would try to make this heaven on earth every day. And let him surprise me when I see the real thing.
ReplyDeleteVery original way to get a point across! I like your secret two-part question.
ReplyDeleteFor me, heaven on earth is feeling the joy of creation that comes with writing--a closeness to God as I celebrate His world by recreating aspects of it in my work.
Every time I hug my daughter or see her laugh, it's another reminder of pure love. That's also heaven on earth.
I also want you to know that *many times* I have stopped for a moment to appreciate you since our last conversation. :-)
ReplyDeleteT. Anne, I'm SO blessed to hear your experience of peace. And yes, Piper and Giglio are totally awesome Christians preaching Jesus--both definitely among my favorites.
ReplyDeleteDenise, His love breathing inside of us is better than ANYthing this world offers.
David, if I read you correctly, I would add that what makes "intimacy" best is understanding through it the intimacy Christ desires with His bride.
Clifford, hell on earth is indeed our own doing, in "worrying ... indulging the low passions." The testimony to God of family love and creation truly make heaven on earth. "When I see the beauty of God's earth I rejoice to imagine the beauty of His heaven." ~ Unknown
Debra, "Christ in motion" is pure joy. Without His evident presence I don't see how Earth would be tolerable. I love you!
Brad, that photo's a "lenticular" cloud (and I've no idea how it's defined). "Everyday moments we create that are blanketed with the grace and love of God" is a beautiful way to describe not just Heaven on Earth, but its potential in each moment. Thank you.
Rosslyn, writing fiction has given me an empathy with the Creator I'd never before known. You've captured it perfectly. And I remember all of our conversations fondly. You'll remain on of my most treasured memories of ACFW '09.
This is like a breath of spring! And I'm also discovering some interesting connections. A friend, Dr. Evelyn Sweet-Hurd has written a book, His Name Was Donn. Very poignant. Extremely well-written collection of letters from her 'Big Brother" who was killed in combat in Viet Nam decades ago. She and I became acquainted through internet correspondence and she's helped me greatly. Connected me with her brother-in-law, the brilliant Bob Brault. In visiting Bob's site, I stumbled upon an artist who responded to his work. I tracked down her site and found you there as a responder. And, lo, upon arriving at your refreshing oasis, here's an old blogger buddy, Brad Moore! Along with you, Ann, and the others just referenced, I've just mentioned a circle of some of the most brilliant writers I've encountered in the blogosphere!
ReplyDeleteDon, I'm always pleased to discover how small the world may yet be. I'm also blessed to know you find this blog an oasis. I pray it shall remain one for you. :D