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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Getting Personal

Then Jacob made a vow, saying, "If Elohim will be with me, and keep me in this way that I am going, and give me bread to eat and clothing to put on, so that I come back to my father's house in peace, then YHWH shall be my God."
~ Genesis 28:20-21

Age seventy-seven Jacob has always known his mother's favor and lived amid his father's wealth. His mother sends him away from family—purportedly to obtain a wife, though he in fact runs for his life. Jacob becomes a homeless man without riches or companionship. His life previously covered by his forefathers' faith, he now has no God.

Things look like they couldn't get much worse.

But Jacob discovers his need for a personal God, and invites YHWH to act in his life—to become "my God."

He's in the perfect place for things to get way better.

Lord YHWH, You're not known for acting in small ways. Can You understand why we sometimes hesitate to throw open the doors for things to get personal? Please help us do so before we must come to the end of ourselves.

Comments, questions, and respectful disagreement are welcome. Reply to comments, or e-mail buildingHisbody [plus] Copyright 2011, Anne Lang Bundy, all rights reserved.


  1. Great prayer. We should always be desparate for God, but too often we find ourselves one step away from desparation, disaster, and depression.

  2. It's hard to sense God through the veil of this world. I believe this world is the only place that we WILL be blinded -- when we stand in spirit, God's presence will overwhelm and we'll no longer have the capacity to freely choose for or against Him.

  3. I know I struggle with the intimacy of God. I'm okay with him taking care of my external needs -- food, clothing, getting me to work on time etc. But if I need hope or desire, it sometimes pains me to hand it over.

  4. Fatha Frank ~

    I really, really like the distinction you make between being desperate and desperation. We are a hairbreadth from the latter if we look long at anything but our Lord.

  5. Amy ~

    It is hard to see clearly when our eyes are filled with so many distractions. What an interesting point you make about our inability to choose against Him when we are full with His Spirit. I see that as completely compatible with free will. We are truly free to choose against Him, and yet find ourselves unable. Fascinating to think of!

  6. David ~

    I sometimes wonder if that particular struggle is any different between men and women. It's not that men aren't intimate, but that they can be driven differently. I see the day when spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical are all one in Him. I believe the pleasure will be full for our complete person.


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