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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Purpose of the Test

The purpose of a test is not to show God how strong or weak we are, because He already knows. The purpose of a test is not to make us feel good about success or bad about failure. The purpose of the test is to reveal our hearts to ourselves and those around us.

Now it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham, and said to him, "Abraham!" And he said, "Here I am."
Genesis 22:1 (NKJV)

To fare well on a test reveals our faith and God's worthiness of it.

... God withdrew from [Hezekiah], in order to test him, that he might know all that was in his heart.
~ 2 Chronicles 32:31

To fare poorly reveals to us where God is next ready to work.

"Whoever survives a test, whatever it may be, must tell the story. That is his duty."
~ Elie Wiesel

Righteous Father, strengthen our faith for the tests, and our testimony to Your faithfulness.

Comments, questions, and respectful disagreement are welcome. Reply to comments, or e-mail buildingHisbody [plus]
Copyright 2011, Anne Lang Bundy, all rights reserved.


  1. some tests seem harder than others ...

  2. I feel shipwrecked in my test. Waiting for the whale to vomit me up, but it's not coming. Sometimes I wonder if the test is going to last the entire journey. More of a destiny than a test.

  3. Natasa ~

    Easier to speak Truth than to live Truth ...

  4. Susan ~

    I console myself with hope that the hardest tests have potential to bring God the most glory.

  5. Tana ~

    Now I hope you've not been listening to that punk the devil, who's always trying to convince us that we've failed to much to ever make up for it, or we'll keep failing too much for any success to ever really be significant. Because that's what he tries to make me believe. Some days, he even has a measure of success. Which is why I've GOT to keep my eyes fixed on Truth. Truth says The Test that counts has already been passed, when I chose Jesus. Like I said, to do poorly on any other test is about God showing us where He wants to work. He looks for perseverance, and I suspect that is a test you pass with flying colors. : )

    If I haven't told you lately, I love you!

  6. I'm glad I passed the big one, I do luv Jesus. But ouch, some people are asked to persevere unto death. It is hard knowing what kind of trial you are under until you reach the other side of it. I'm starting to wonder about some of these situations. Thank you for your great answer!

  7. Tana ~

    Oooh! Oooh! I know the answer to this one, about "what kind of trial" we're under. Whether we do well or poorly, the trial is meant, in the end, to bless us and glorify God with the glory we'll one day share with Him.

    Keep the LONG range vision. Publishing pros aren't the only ones with a different timetable than us. God is outside of time, already in the future too. Maybe that's why He's rarely in a hurry.


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