"Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see."
~ John W. Whitehead
~ John W. Whitehead
Go Against the Flow
My sixteen-year-old daughter Michaelle recently joined Facebook. It's been a wonderful glimpse into her world—and an assurance that maybe we haven't totally messed up as parents. I share here a status update and two follow up comments that she wrote on Thursday. (Comments of others aren't included.)
"If you 'be who you are' and 'say what you feel,' then the people who matter WILL mind, and the people who "don't matter" will most likely punch you in the face." ~ me, in contradiction of Dr. Seuss
... If I told someone that they were ugly and fat—and I really thought it true—would you think they "didn't matter" if they became offended? Everything in the world tends towards disorder, and we must go against the flow to make it the way God would want it. It's good to be yourself ... [unless] you will be tearing people down instead of building them up. To act who we are all the time would make this world chaos. We need to be what God would have us be, and not what we want.
... I wasn't saying to bottle everything up, and I wasn't saying to not be the way God made you. I'm talking about human nature, not personality. Originally I was making an observation on the quote by Dr. Seuss—"Be who you are, and say what you feel, because the people who matter don't mind, and the people who mind don't matter." People WILL mind if you treat them that way, no matter if they're Christians or not! :)
A fool vents all his feelings,
But a wise man holds them back.
(Proverbs 29:11 NKJV)
Thank You, Father, that You give me a glimpse of Who You are through my children.
Contrasting points-of-view, questions and feedback are invited. Post to BuildingHisBody.com "Comments" or e-mail to BuildingHisBody@gmail.com. Copyright 2009, Anne Lang Bundy, all rights reserved.
Photo courtesy Michaelle Bundy
Contrasting points-of-view, questions and feedback are invited. Post to BuildingHisBody.com "Comments" or e-mail to BuildingHisBody@gmail.com. Copyright 2009, Anne Lang Bundy, all rights reserved.
Photo courtesy Michaelle Bundy
The more time I spend building people up the more I seem to expedite my relationship with them because in turn they desire more of what I have offered. I don't mind. I truly want people to know what attributes I'm thankful for in them. It doesn't hurt that I'm a good listener either. ;)
ReplyDeleteHave a happy and safe night. XOXO
I love building people up, there are more than enough people, and events to tear one another down. We need to be constructive, not destructive.
ReplyDeleteYour dear Michaelle is onto something here, Anne...but you already knew that. What a wise young woman she is.
ReplyDeleteIt took me a lot longer than sixteen years to learn that every time I run down another, I'm just as badly hurt as the person I've run down--even if that person never hears my words! For just saying nasty things about others changes the shape of my spirit a little, and it ain't pretty. It changes me away from God-shaped and toward ugly-on-the-inside.
That Michaelle has this figured out at her age is amazing and so encouraging. How grateful you must feel to have her, Anne. :)
Smart girl. Seems we can be honest and real without necessarily needing to say everything that could be said. The wise one knows the difference between could say and should say.
ReplyDeleteKeep encouraging that wisdom in her.
T. Anne, I love that about you. I see it all the time. (BTW, this is the same kid who chases me out of the kitchen. ;D)
ReplyDeleteDenise, you are so right. As children of the King, we need to build back up the kingdom the enemy works hard to destroy.
Gwen, learning it and making it reality are two different things, no? And you know I'm grateful for her. (You can't have her except for visits!)
Lyla, after Michaelle saw your comment she asked me if it would be okay to add a Bible verse to my post as I usually do. Proverbs 29:11 now appears as part of the post:
A fool vents all his feelings,
But a wise man holds them back.
Anne, I did mention she's a wise one, right? Let me mention it again. Because she just demonstrated it again.
ReplyDeleteMichaelle, you go.
Michaelle, I agree with you entirely. If we didn't restrain ourselves in our words and actions, we would be worse sinners than we already are. While this may not have been one Dr. Suess' better statements, he did have some worthy material. Don't forget that "The Grinch That Stole Christmas" was about anti-materialism, (another great topic).
ReplyDeleteHaha, thanks mom for posting this. It's sweet of ya! *hugs*
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you for all the comments! I take your words to heart. :)
Gee, I just realized smiley faces look a lot cuter in compose mode than post. Oh well... so goes life.
Merry, Dr. Seuss did give us "Green Eggs and Ham," from which we learn to try unknowns like "Jesus Christ." ; )
ReplyDeleteMichaelle, one of these days I'll post you here when you know it in advance and actually write for the blog. Let me know when you're interested!