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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Glimpsing Heaven

photo by Lavone' Vannoy

Our church held VBS (Vacation Bible School) this week. Instead of the age 8-10 kids I have for Sunday School, I this time assisted with 4 and 5 year olds. We had over fifty kids each night in just our group. What a challenge to constructively channel that energy!

One activity involved distributing a Bible or placard heart to each child, to be held up during a song. The first night we alternated, giving every other child a heart or a Bible.

The second night, kids make known their preferences for heart or Bible. We mostly followed the routine of the first night, making changes for the most insistent requests and moving on.

The third night, my heart said to offer each child their choice. Being an assistant, I hesitated. What if nobody wanted the heavier Bibles? I'd mess up the teacher's song. But the soft voice in my heart won out, and surprise! Bibles and hearts were distributed as equally as when we'd alternated, pretty evenly among both boys and girls.

My soul rejoiced. These small children had actually asked for heavy black Bibles when they had the choice to hold a lightweight colorful heart.

After the song I helped collect props. Passing out and picking up those volumes is a weekly task I do with little thought. As I laid Bibles down on the table, a last book in my hand seemed to come alive. I stared at simple paper and ink, bound in black hardcover, stamped with nine gold letters: HOLY BIBLE.

My heart quivered, suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling of awe and love. The closest way to describe what came over me is the feeling I had when I held one of my children for the first time. My eyes beheld a treasure of incomparable worth. Countless generations made great sacrifices of love to preserve the sacred power of life in my hands. How many millions of others across the globe and time have agonized to touch and hold and own what I've come to see as an everyday presence in my life?

Somewhat unnerved, I lay down that last precious volume. I turned to look at the group behind me. Why did half ask for a Bible? Do little children see something that adult eyes pass over?

I'd like to think that perhaps, just maybe, a little child glimpses Heaven more often than we think.

I'd like to think that perhaps, just maybe, the same is possible for us.

"Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it."
~ Mark 10:15 (NKJV)

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Copyright 2010, Anne Lang Bundy, all rights reserved.
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  1. Make me childlike Father, eager to learn, and reach for Your Word more and more. I love you sis.

  2. What a beautiful post. Children are surprising and it sounds like you were pleasantly surprised.

  3. over 50 kids that age group alone?..!!!

    growing childlike. and that's what b-e should in trusting, listening, and obeying our Father. just loving Him.

    over 50 kids! that's not a class. it's a congregation on its own.

  4. Absolutely precious photo!

    I have so many Bibles. So many versions. I don't think I treasure them enough.

  5. I knew there were comments somewhere to which I hadn't replied! Ooops! It's been another hectic week. I hope autumn is calmer than summer.

  6. Denise ~

    I've heard many jokes about how old age forces us back into the helplessness of an infant. Adults can certainly be childish. I'm praying I avoid both of those and just live with the heart of a little child.

  7. T ~

    I was pleasantly surprised by the children requesting Bibles. It's another reminder to listen to those quiet promptings of the Spirit that don't always have words. The Spirit didn't use words to respond, either, but the perspective He gave me of God's Word will endure as long.

  8. Bud ~

    "50 kids a congregation of its own." I hadn't thought of it quite that way, but you're right, of course. It's actually a little scary to think that we never know the extent of our influence.

    Lord, please make me faithful to reflect You!

  9. Snady ~

    You're also a collector of Bibles? I might feel guilty to have so many when others have none, but I really do use them. Even the Bibles I have on hand to give others are scattered all over my house so they'll be used in the meantime. Of course then they get moved around. You should hear me rant to my kids when I go to pick up a Bible and there isn't one at hand. "With all the Bibles around here, this room is without one?!" (LOL)


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